How to get dark mode messenger on mac
How to get dark mode messenger on mac

Hell, White Wolf abandoned some of the gameplay conceits when creating Werewolf: the Forsaken (also a great game), and so I'm just trying to capture the same basic feel, and hit all the high points as far as mechanics go. Now, the point isn't to convert every mechanical detail, because some of them aren't worth converting. I also have a Mokole template if you're interested. The template still needs a little tweaking, but it's here just to provide an example of werewolves you can do with the system - very powerful werewolves, in fact. Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement: Umbra Feat: Innate, Progression 3 Ex: Affects Others +1 Flaw: Concentration Check Required -1) ĭrawback: Involuntary Transformation (Common, Moderate) Regeneration 17 (Bruised/round 3, Injured/round 6, Unconscious/round 1, Staggered/minute 3, Disabled/hour 2, Ability/hour 2 Feat: Persistent Drawback: Power Loss ) Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison Flaw: Limited -1) Super-Senses 5 (Low-Light Vision, Scent 2, Tracking, Ultra-Hearing) Ĭomprehend 3 (Animals 2, Spirits) Enhanced Feat 1 (Evasion, Improved Initiative) AP: Alt Form "Lupus" 5 (Flaw: Constitution Check Required -1) AP: Alt Form "Glabro" 2 (Flaw: Constitution Check Required -1) Drawback: No hands (Very Common, Moderate) Super-Senses 4 (Low-light vision, Scent, Tracking, Ultra-Hearing)

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AP: Alt Form "Hispo" 6 (Flaw: Constitution Check Required -1) Drawback: Vulnerable (Silver Common, Moderate) Super-Senses 3 (Scent, Track, Ultra-Hearing) Growth 4 (Feat: Innate Flaw: Permanent -0) Enhanced Feat 2 (Improved Critical, Improved Initiative)

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Emotion Control 9 (Feat: Mind Blank Ex: Area Burst +1, Permanent +0 Flaw: Limited -1, Range -2, Sense-Dependent -1) I'll tweak the build accordingly in a few minutes.įeats: Connected (Spirits), Diehard, Endurance, Luck, Ritualist, TeamworkĪlternate Form "Crinos" 8 (Flaw: Constitution Check Required -1) But I guess if you really wanted, you could give him a "Werewolf" Drawback, and change the exact details depending on which form he's in at the time.Ĭlick to expand.Keep in mind that where I mention below not giving Crinos the Growth power, I actually did in a later revision. To me, individual Drawbacks are problematic because the player always has the option of switching to a form that doesn't suffer whatever Drawback is bothering him. Whenever he gets stabbed by silver, or freaks out and goes all wolfy on somebody, or can't turn doorknobs because he doesn't have thumbs, or REALLY misses his pants, he gets a hero point. If it were MY game, I'd just say the Werewolf has one Complication: Werewolf. If you bought Alternate Form: "Crinos," you could then buy all the other forms you might want as Alternate Power Feats for one point each.īuying Feats as powers is fairly allowable, so you're okay there. You could make up new ones if you wanted. Even though Alternate Form SAYS it's for turning into rock or whatever, it's really just a pool of points you pay for the privilege of shifting points around on your character sheet.

How to get dark mode messenger on mac